Saturday, January 30, 2016


15a 15b 15c 15d 15e

TS23-25: president of college, Madden, Butt (probably freshman year?)
TS25-31: theory of poetry, Butt's fire ["End of First Episode of V"]
written Dec 1904- Jan 1905 [SL50] ('Clay' completed 19Jan but rejected, JAJ drops Dubliners for the next few months and concentrates entirely on SH)

When Joyce had finished Ch18 he predicted "The U. College episode will take about ten chapters" [SL58, 15Mar 1905] but by 27May [L2-90] that had grown to eleven.

Cranly appears with no introduction at TS39

self-description: debauchee
bursar, discipline, charm
Father Butt
[missing pages]

theory of stresses in verse, Skeats
"he began to see that people had leagued themselves together in a conspiracy of ignobility"
composition class, boldnesses not labored over, constructing manner
"for the youth had been apprised of another crisis and he wished to make ready for the shock of it" (crisis of exploding serious boldnesses)
SD explains theories to Butt: literary value vs marketplace value of words
Butt builds fire
Butt sentimentalizes Twelfth Night, Othello
SD's monster (of arrogance?)
fervor -> shocks (disillusioning forces) -> reserve
University a great stress
enjoys looking at ugliness of city faces
sound of vocables
fear of obviousness -> silence
"I must wait for the Eucharist to come to me."
prayers, flight from classroom, wandering, vocables
Byron full poem
Edward Augustus Freeman (1823-1892) [info&sample] [etext] [bio]
William Morris's News from Nowhere (eg, 1890) [links]

PoA5 [qv] specifies Newman's 'detain'
Byrne watched Darlington build the fire in Dec 1895.
When SD gets off the tram at Amiens instead of continuing to the Pillar, he's (incidentally) avoiding the spot [map] where Bloom is almost run over by a tram at the start of Circe [qv]
Eucharist: [Cath]
Final SH notes:

For 'University College':
The ice-cream Italian
The marsupials
Literature, Poetry, Lyric epic, dramatic
Art has the gift of tongues
Special reporter novels
'We cannot educate our fathers'
The Day in Edinburgh
'It is a great mistake to have piratical ancestors' [WoD69-70]
Italian = Artifoni?
Novels about reporters having adventures while doing special reports?
Is it possible there was an unrecorded trip to Edinburgh during University?
Whose ancestors were pirates?

Fr Webster
Fr Dillon
Miles Davin
James Brennan
Matthew Lister
Thomas Nash
Oliver Flanagan
Patrick Hoey
Owen Hoey
Annie Hoey
Mostly University friends. [pic] [school]

Father Dillon in SH is the President of the University, who at first censors Stephen's speech on Drama and Life. Webster likely became Father Butt (real name Joseph Darlington). 50yo in 1901

Davin here was George Clancy in life, Madden in SH and Ulysses, and Davin again in the Trieste Portrait. 20yo in 1901, 30yo in 1911

Brennan is probably Jeff Byrne, Cranly in SH, the Trieste Portrait, and Ulysses. Ellmann's Plate V shows Joyce, Byrne, and Clancy posed as a group. [lo-res]

Lister might be Cosgrave/Lynch, or SH's Wells, Whelan, Temple, or Glynn. (or Lister?)

Thomas Nash survives in the Mullingar chapter of SH, where it appears he was Stephen's enemy at Belvedere-- in the Trieste Portrait he holds Stephen's arms in the fight with Heron and Boland. (So why is he not in the list with Heron?)

Flanagan is surely Gogarty (Goggins in the Trieste Portrait, Mulligan in Ulysses), and is mentioned by Temple as a new name at SH25 p225.

The Hoeys may be the Sheehys, called the Daniels in SH. Annie Daniel is called the oldest, ie Hanna Sheehy, appropriately being courted by Skeffington/McCann.

Missing here, present in SH: Father Moran (whose name was taken from Nora's personal history)

John ?Butter
William Judge
Joseph Magennis
John Andrews
Christopher McCann  [Skeffington?]
Hon Mrs Ambrose
James MacCormack
Many gaps here! These seem to be University-or-later, but not James's friends.

Magennis was a University professor who encouraged James, and appears in Ulysses.

Philip McCann was Joyce's godfather's real name, but he becomes Fulham in SH. Phil McCann in SH is Skeffington.

MacCormack may be the singer (John) who James visited in March 1904, and shared a platform with in August. (If so, the naming here is interesting!)
Missing: Hughes the Irish teacher; Artifoni
Also: Colum, Thomas Kelly the millionaire, Russell, Yeats, Lady Gregory, Eglinton, Archer, Kettle, the Sheehy boys

15a 15b 15c 15d 15e

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